Log interactions in HubSpot
This is VCC Live’s documentation on how users can set up the synchronization of call logs from VCC Live to HubSpot.
Table of Contents
- Setting up attributes and keys
- Setting up a Private App in HubSpot
- Setting up a webhook To Sync Call Logs
- Setting up a webhook To Create a Contact
Setting up attributes and keys
To be able to capture information about the calls made via VCC Live, you need to create an attribute in VCC Live in all of the projects to which Agents will log in directly from Salesforce. In the VCC Live supervisory interface, select all the relevant projects and navigate to Database -> Fields, and make sure that there exists an attribute called hubspot_contactid.
Setting up a Private App in HubSpot
To sync data from VCC Live to HubSpot, you need to create a Private there. Read the following guide about how to set up a private app and retrieve its Access token here.
Setting up a webhook To Sync Call Logs
To synchronize data from VCC Live to HubSpot, you need to create webhooks in the projects, where you would like to have this feature (alternatively you can also create a single, global webhook). When selecting a project, navigate to the tab Webhook and create a new webhook, where the Event is set as ‘Event after disposition saving’. For Method select ‘POST’ and for URL populate it in the following format: https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/calls
Example webhook payload (while putting variables in double brackets) :
"properties": {
"hs_timestamp": " call_start_time_iso ",
"hs_call_title": " disposition.name ",
"hs_call_disposition": " disposition.description ",
"hs_call_body": " agent_description ",
"hs_call_recording_url": "{% if call_end_time is not empty %}https://customer:[email protected]/v2/cdr/////voicefile{% else %}""{% endif %}",
"hs_call_direction": "{% if direction == 'out' %}OUTBOUND{% else %}INBOUND{% endif %}",
"hs_call_duration": " call_end_time|date('U') - call_start_time|date('U') ",
"hs_call_from_number": " source ",
"hs_call_to_number":" destination ",
"hs_call_status": "COMPLETED"
"associations": [
"to": {
"id": client_data.hubspot_contactid
"types": [
"associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED",
"associationTypeId": 194
} ]
Populate Headers with the following:
- Authorization: Bearer token (which is the token of your private app)
- Content-Type: application/json
Note that:
- Attribute associationTypeId reflects your configuration in HubSpot, use one or more from the following list.
- It is recommended to match your VCC dispositions with your HubSpot call outcomes. You can store the ID of your HubSpot call outcomes in the description field of the matching VCC dispositions
- To populate call type in call logs, a unique logic needs to be written in the webhook template. Please contact our support team if you require help with it
- To allow users to play call recordings in HubSpot, you need to create a Database API token in VCC Live and put it in the webhook template where attribute “hs_call_recording_url” is referenced (TOKEN). You also need to whitelist HubSpot’s IP addresses in VCC Live, which are the following:,,
Setting up a webhook To Create a Contact
You can also use the webhook to create contacts in HubSpot after certain dispositions. For Method select ‘POST’ and for URL populate it in the following format: https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts. You can also check this guide.
Example webhook payload (while putting variables in double brackets) :
"properties": {
"email": "contact.email",
"firstname": "client_data.firstname",
"lastname": "client_data.firstname",
"phone": "contact.phone",
"lifecyclestage": "client_data.lifecyclestage"
Populate Headers with the following:
- Authorization: Bearer token (which is the token of your private app)
- Content-Type: application/json
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