Synchronizing Call log to Salesforce
This is VCC Live’s documentation on how users can set up the synchronization of call logs from VCC Live to Salesforce.
Table of Contents
Setting up attributes and keys
To capture information about the calls made via VCC Live, you need to create an attribute in VCC Live in all of the projects to which Agents will log in directly from Salesforce. In the VCC Live supervisory interface, select all the relevant projects, navigate to Database -> Fields, and make sure that there exists an attribute called salesforce_contactid.
Setting up a Connected app in Salesforce
To be able to sync data from VCC Live to Salesforce, you need to create a Connected App there. Navigate in Salesforce to Setup -> App Manager and select New Connected App. Learn more about setting up a Connected app in Salesforce here.
Follow these steps:
- Check [X] Enable Oauth settings
- Add the following to Callback URL: (if it’s a Sandbox environment, use
- Check [X] Use digital signatures
- Select the following OAuth Scopes: api, refresh_token, openid
- Click [Save]
- Find your new Connected app and click Manage
- Click [Edit Policies]
- Set Permitted Users to Admin-approved users are pre-authorized. You can alternatively set it to All users may self-authorize, in which case you will need your Security token later on.
- Click [Save]
- Click [Manage Profiles]
- Check that your user’s profile is selected and click [Save]
- Copy your client ID and client Secret
Generate your access_token by using the endpoint Read more about OAuth flows here.
Note: The request body shall be x-www-form-urlencoded and include grant_type (password), client_id, client_secret, username and password. For your password, concatenate your password and Security token. Make also sure that your user has API access. In Salesforce Setup in OAuth and OpenID Connect Settings, make sure that Allow OAuth .. Flows are enabled.
Setting up a webhook
To synchronize data from VCC Live to Salesforce, you need to create webhooks in the projects, where you would like to have this feature. When selecting a project, navigate to the tab Webhook and create a new webhook, where the Event is set as ‘Event after disposition saving’. For Method select ‘POST’ and for URL populate it with the relevant endpoint (e.g. to create a Task, you can read about the Task endpoint here).
As an example, the URL for tasks could look the following: POST
For authentication, add the Bearer token generated in the first step to the Headers.
Learn more about the call disposition webhook here.
Then you can configure the JSON payload of the webhook with the webhook template. As an example, if you would like to create a Task for a Contact after each call, you can provide the following. In the below example, the contact’s ID in Salesforce will be populated from VCC’s salesforce_contactid field (that is automatically populated when using VCC Live for Salesforce), the description will include the agent’s disposition note and the subject will include the disposition name.
"WhoId": client_data.salesforce_contactid,
"Description": agent_description,
"TaskSubtype": "Call",
"Status": "Closed",
"CallType": "Outbound",
After setting this up, you should be able to see the call data synchronizing to Salesforce as parameterized in the webhook payload.
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