Activities Tab
You can review customers’ history of Activities and related upcoming tasks within the customers’ profile.
Table of Contents
Previous Interactions
Previous interactions with the customer are displayed in chronological order backward in time and grouped into periods (Today, This Week, This Month, and All previous months).
All related calls, chats, SMS messages, and e-mail interactions of the customer are displayed since the customer record was created. Those disposition events are also displayed where no interaction happened with the customer. Initially, 25 events are displayed, but you can load more events by pressing Show more.
Handling Previous Interactions
You can reopen a previous e-mail by clicking on it and managing it as new. You can reply to the customer or contact the customer immediately on a different channel.
If you close the ticket while a previous e-mail was opened, the e-mail won’t be opened the next time you open a ticket. If you open an e-mail from the Activities that was already opened for you, then you will be navigated to that e-mail again on your screen.
Upcoming Interactions
You can also see all upcoming interactions of a customer on the Activities tab.
You can see the time of the upcoming callback with the selected contact, any notes left previously when the callback was scheduled, and any associated ticket number.
Filtering Events
You can filter events based on various criteria.
When you are working with a Ticket, events are filtered for that ticket by default. You can also select to display the customer’s entire event history or events of a different ticket.
You can also filter by the date of the event or the channel of the interaction (e.g. calls, chats, emails).
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