Get CDR log for a specified uuid
Retrieve specified uuid CDR log.
Note: CDR data is generated immediately after a call ends, but a delay may occur between generating and registering the data, as it needs to be processed first (e.g. calculating costs).
Tip: If you have not received a response, this may be due to a slowdown. We suggest querying the CDR data 5 minutes after sending the Webhook request. You can subsequently retry querying the CDR data every 5 minutes, up to a total of 20 times.
Request | |
Method | GET |
Resource | https://[customer][year]/[month]/[uuid] |
Options | |
Body | N/A |
Response | |
Body | CDR array, encoded in JSON. |
Resource parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Comment |
customer | string | yes | Your call centre’s unique identifier (subdomain). |
year | integer | yes | Year. |
month | integer | yes | Month within the requested year. Possible values: – 01-12 |
uuid | string | yes | Unique call identifier. |
Name | Type | Comment |
afterwork | integer | Duration/length of afterwork, in seconds. |
beforequeuetime | integer | Time spent before the call is placed in a queue (e.g. time spent in IVR), in seconds. |
billing_ts | string | Time the conversation begins, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
billing_ts_utc | string | Time the conversation begins in UTC, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
billingtime | integer | Length of complete call, in seconds (including ivr, queue and conversation time, but excluding ringtime). |
call_quantity | string | The call quantity parameter of the call. |
call_rate | string | The call quantity parameter of the call. |
currency | string | The call quantity parameter of the call. |
dc | string | The disconnect cause code associated with the call. |
deletedUserId | integer | The user ID of the user deleting the voicefile. |
destination | string | Called phone number. |
dialermode | integer | The dialer mode associated with the call. |
direction | string | Call direction: – inbound – outbound |
disposition_comment | string | The comment added to the disposition. |
dispositionid | integer | Unique disposition identifier in the database set for the call. |
dispositionreach | integer | Disposition summary. Possible values: – 1: not reached – 2: reached – 3: successful |
dispositionstatus | integer | Disposition type. See: status key. |
hangup_disposition | string | The party initiating the hangup. |
holdtime | integer | Duration/length of hold, in seconds. |
lastArchivedTime | string | Last archived time, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
lastArchivedTime_utc | string | Last archived time in UTC, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
numberid | integer | Unique record identifier in the database. |
next_contact | string | Next contact date, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
next_contact_utc | string | Next contact date in UTC, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
prework | integer | Duration/length of prework, in seconds. |
pricetag | string | The pricetag associated with the call. |
projectid | integer | Unique project identifier in the database. |
queueid | integer | Unique queue identifier in the database. |
queuetime | integer | If the call is placed in a queue, then the time spent in the queue, in seconds. |
recordCustomFielData | array | The list of custom fields and their values selected to be included in the CDRs. |
ringtime | integer | Duration/length of ringing, in seconds. |
source | string | Caller’s phone number. |
special | boolean | Displays whether CDR is a special CDR |
start_ts | string | Time the call is initiated, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
start_ts_utc | string | Time the call is initiated in UTC, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. |
statusArchived | string | Displays whether the call is archived or not. |
sum_work | string | Total work time, in hh:mm:ss format. |
talktime | integer | Time during the call in which talking takes place, in seconds. |
total_fee | string | The total fee associated with the call. |
trashUserId | integer | The user ID of the user moving the voicefile to the trash. |
userid | integer | Unique user identifier (-1 system, otherwise agent). |
uuid | string | Unique call identifier. |
vcc_score | string | VCC call analysis related score data. |
List the CDR with the following uuid: bbf5825e-85de-4ec1-8625-e6eaf5c96b1e
Response body
"response": {
"projectid": 1,
"ringtime": 8,
"special": false,
"dispositionreach": 1,
"direction": "outbound",
"prework": 0,
"uuid": "85955f2e-049f-4a41-9145-f513abf50c7b",
"shortid": "015T039E",
"beforequeuetime": 0,
"userid": 5,
"dispositionstatus": 9,
"callfilename": "85955f2e-049f-4a41-9145-f513abf50c7b",
"destination": "360100",
"start_ts": "2014-01-07 14:19:30",
"start_ts_utc": "2014-01-07 13:19:30",
"afterwork": 0,
"source": "3615100304",
"queuetime": 0,
"numberid": 2,
"billingtime": 6,
"dispositionid": 2,
"billing_ts": "2014-01-07 14:19:38",
"billing_ts_utc": "2014-01-07 13:19:38",
"holdtime": 0,
"talktime": 6,
"queueid": 8,
"next_contact": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"next_contact_utc": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"sum_work": "00:00:14",
"call_quantity": "0.100000",
"call_rate": null,
"currency": null,
"hangup_disposition": "customer",
"dc": 16,
"dialermode": 2,
"vcc_score": null,
"pricetag": "hu-out-mobile",
"disposition_comment": null,
"total_fee": null,
"recordCustomFieldData": {"egyedimezo": "egyedimezo-ertek"},
"statusArchived": "no",
"lastArchivedTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"lastArchivedTime_utc": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"trashUserId": null,
"deletedUserId": null
"errors": []
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