Archive for January, 2019

What Customers Value Most in Their Experience

Posted on: January 25th, 2019 by Dóra Rapcsák No Comments

What do customers really want? As customer demands are constantly changing, it’s no small feat for business to meet their ever-increasing expectations.

And when it comes to customer demands, one thing is certain: customer experience is everything. In fact, 43% of customers say that they would pay a premium for better experience.

In this article, we’ve collected what customers value most during a customer journey. Read on and get to know your customers better!

Convenience and Speed

Convenience comes high on the list of what customers want: in fact, if your product and services are not convenient enough, customers will likely leave you for the competition.

Also, these days, customers use several channels to reach out to a business, so make sure to connect with them on their preferred channel. Don’t forget, however, that being available on several channels doesn’t make any sense if you cannot ensure that the quality of customer communication is the same for all the channels you use.

An easily reachable customer service line is also an essential part of convenient customer experience. Putting your customers on-hold for too long, on the contrary, will make them frustrated in no time, and again, encourage them to leave your business.

In addition, if you really want to go the extra mile, ensure your customer service is available during flexible hours as well and make sure your customers do not experience any language barriers when talking to your agents.


Time is money in our over-accelerated world. So, of course, customers do not want to spend their valuable time waiting for a business to resolve their issues. It’s thus not surprising at all that efficiency is of the utmost importance for customers when dealing with a business.

Luckily, year after year, better and better technology solutions enter the market, allowing companies to maximize the efficiency of their customer service.

Amongst other things, powerful call center software features, such as real-time analytics, call center scripts, and call recording can definitely help you increase the efficiency of your team.

Real-time statistics and data analytics will help you offer personalized customer service while also allowing you to monitor and evaluate your team’s performance in real-time. Also, a well-crafted call center script will allow your agents to guide customers through a conversation. And luckily, it is now possible to record calls for training purposes, so you can just check previous calls and offer feedback to your agents based on their performance.

Furthermore, customers these days are increasingly looking to solve their problems themselves rather than contact customer service departments. Therefore, if you want to please your customers and increase your team’s efficiency, make sure to utilize self-service options and allow customers to sort out their simple queries themselves.

Friendly Customer Service

Although automatization is definitely on the rise, it seems customers still require the human element when reaching out to a company. According to a report carried out by PwC, 71% of American customers would rather interact with a human than a chatbot. The result clearly indicates that having friendly call center agents available is critical to any business.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that chatbots should not be used by call centers, considering they offer the perfect solution to take care of repetitive and simple customer issues. But customers should always be able to talk to a live agent.

Speaking of live agents, once customers are directed to a customer service agent, they expect a highly customer-centric and personalized experience. So, gone are the days when companies can afford to mistreat their customers.

Also, don’t forget that customers today are ready to share their negative experiences via social media, which, of course, can seriously hurt your business’ reputation. Therefore, make ‘customer-centric service’ your call center’s slogan. And what better way to ensure a friendly agent attitude than investing in your employees?

Again, you can leverage technology and empower your agents with the right tools to provide the possible best customer experience. Furthermore, a thorough induction period and systematic training sessions will definitely allow your agents to acquire proper product knowledge.

Last but not least, make sure to value your employees and keep morale high in your agent team, as they are the ones who drive customer experience.

As you can see, customers value most companies that are convenient and enjoyable to do business with. Make sure to provide your customers with the experience they truly want and leave your competition in the dust!

What Is CCaaS and Why Your Business Needs to Adopt It?

Posted on: January 24th, 2019 by Dániel Severa No Comments

Moving to the cloud is nothing new in the business world. In fact, findings from CITO Research and Commvault, for example, reveal that business leaders are “rapidly embracing the cloud, with the majority of respondents saying that they are already cloud-only or plan to move to the cloud completely.”

Nowhere is cloud-based operations more important than in the contact center industry. Customer service is the first point of contact for customers getting in touch with any business. Therefore, it goes without saying that seamless customer service operation is a must for any business that wants to thrive in the long run. And cloud-based solutions increasingly offer a level of service operation that simply cannot be matched by on-premise options.

And, along with the rising popularity of cloud-based systems, CCaaS (‘Contact Center as a Service’) solutions are also rapidly gaining ground among businesses.

CCaaS is a cloud-based software solution that allows businesses to utilize any provider’s contact center software that is hosted in the cloud. Call and contact centers have quickly embraced the idea, and for good reason: companies who adopt the CCaaS model reap major benefits.

But what are those benefits? Check out our article and find out for yourself!

Cost savings

Cost savings are the holy grail of business. Whatever industry you’re working in, I bet you’re constantly thinking about how you can reduce costs while maintaining the same quality of service.

In particular, if you work in the call center industry chances are cost savings are like to be even more of a struggle for you. Call center operations are extremely costly to run, and customer service, in general, is not well known for being a great source of revenue.

Therefore, at call centers it is cost cutting, rather than revenue generation, that is always high on the list of priorities. Luckily, CCaaS is the perfect solution for call centers who are looking for cost-effective solutions.

With a CCaaS solution, physical hardware and telephones are no longer necessary, as cloud-based software can connect through the internet, meaning there is no need to pay for server rooms and an IT infrastructure. Similarly, the CCaaS model reduces the need for IT maintenance support, as you can turn directly to the provider for help when there are issues.

High level of scalability

It’s inevitable that call centers face peak operation periods from time to time. For many call centers, handling these increased call volumes causes a lot of headaches.

Your call center is also likely to have to deal with an increased seasonal influx of customer calls throughout the year. What you will need in such situations is a CCaaS solution, which will allow your business to react successfully to such fluctuations.

One of the biggest advantages of the CCaaS model is that it allows businesses to easily scale up when there are peak periods. With a CCaaS solution, you will only need to pay for what you use, so you can forget about purchasing additional capacity and software licenses that you may never use.

Just make sure you have a pool of backup agents, provide them with access to your cloud-based call center software, and you’re good to go.

Improved customer experience

In our ever-connected world, great customer service is truly the fuel for business growth.

However, in many cases customers often still experience endless on-hold times and ineffective problem solving when contacting a company’s customer service. CCaaS solutions, in contrast, are designed to be customer-centric, offering a wide range of features that will help you improve your customer service.

Amongst other things, multichannel integration will allow your agents to easily switch between channels such as phone, email, chat, and social media, in order to best serve customers.

Furthermore, features such as powerful statistics and analytics allow businesses to gain valuable customer insights and use them to make customer interactions personal. With CCaaS, it is not only possible to record calls but also supervise agents and calls in real time, helping businesses improve the quality of their interactions.

Better agent experience

As it is your agents who represent your company, agent retention is an issue that needs to be at the heart of your business. Providing agents with a CCaaS solution will not only boost team morale but also increase your customer experience.

In contrast, outdated systems can seriously hurt your business. If your systems are not integrated, for example, your customers will be required to repeat the same information again and again. This, of course, will make your agents appear uninformed and unable to solve customer issues efficiently.

CCaaS solutions, however, are all-in-one software solutions, meaning they include every required feature on a single platform. This saves significant time for agents, as they don’t need to set up several systems and navigate around them, but instead access all the information required via the same platform. As a result, your team will be able to react to customer issues in a timely manner.

Reliability and availability

If communication is interrupted in a call center, the inevitable result is that the call center will start losing revenue and generating costs. Of course, an unexpected power outage can happen at any time, and there’s no doubt that they can cause major operational disruptions.

In such cases, your call center will need a reliable backup solution so that your agents can continue to handle customer calls.

Luckily, CCaaS solutions allow users to run their applications from virtual servers. Indeed, by transferring your workload to a backup call center solution you can minimize your call center’s operations downtime and the number of lost calls.

CCaaS solutions also offer the highest levels of availability and reliability, guaranteeing uptime as high as 99.99%. Therefore, in terms of business continuity and disaster recovery, a CCaaS solution is definitely the best option for your call center.

As you can see, CCaaS, or contact center as a service, has great benefits for call centers that strive to improve their CX! Make sure your call center too adapts CCaaS and reap the success of a modernized call center!

Here’s how call center agents can handle angry customers

Posted on: January 18th, 2019 by Dóra Rapcsák No Comments

The negative stereotypes about working in a call center are often exaggerated, but one thing is true: agents are confronted with angry customers on a daily basis.

Dealing with angry customers on the phone is definitely not for the faint-hearted. However, failing to handle these unpleasant situations effectively can easily result in losing customers for good. So, there is no choice but to try and address customers’ issues as best you can.

In this article, we’ve collected the most important things you should consider when dealing with angry customers. Find out how you can not only handle them successfully but also turn them into happy customers.

Remain calm

Sure, talking to an angry customer on the phone is never pleasant. And if that wasn’t enough, upset customers tend to say things on the phone they’d never say in person.

In such heated situations, it’s all too easy to lose patience. Still, you need to remind yourself that your job is to keep customers satisfied, so you really need to try and prevent the situation from escalating.

In fact, your best chance of resolving a customer issue effectively is by trying to remain calm at all times, so instead of losing your nerves, take a deep breath and concentrate solely on solving the problem.

Stay positive

Angry customers often lose control and start yelling at call center agents. It’s only natural that in such situations the first thing you’ll want to do is to defend yourself.

However, if you respond to them in a similarly aggressive way, that will only make things even worse. Instead, make sure to stay positive, and offer positive advice rather than criticism.

Furthermore, as we already talked about in a previous article, empathy can make all the difference when dealing with angry customers.

Remember, most customers only lose their temper in the heat of the moment, and if you respond to them with positivity, chances are they’ll reconsider the situation and some of them may even apologize.

Add personalization

These days, customer service is about speed and convenience. However, in many situations customers are still required to repeat information again and again when contacting customer service departments. If customers feel they are only another cog in the wheel, chances are they’ll lose their patience, especially if they’re angry in the first place.

However, it is now possible to track and refer to existing customers’ purchasing history in seconds. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to add some personalization to conversations by, for example, greeting customers by their names and inquiring about a previous issue to see if it has occurred again since then.

You’ll see that the personal touch will definitely help you calm down even the angriest customers.

Offer compensation

It is essential for businesses to acknowledge their mistakes and act on them accordingly. Therefore, offering compensation to angry customers is always a good idea, especially if they are returning customers.

So, if your company policy allows it, offer customers a refund or voucher when it is appropriate. And if it’s against your company’s policy, consider suggesting the idea to management. In a call center it is difficult to stand out from the crowd, so this is the perfect chance to make your voice heard.

Never take things personally

When dealing with an angry customer, the most difficult thing is not to take it personally. Of course, no one likes to be yelled at and it’s only natural that in such situations you may feel deeply offended.

However, the important thing is to try not to be affected by an angry call, but always remind yourself that the most important task is for you to maintain customer satisfaction.

Also, remember that it is not you that is making the customer angry, but the situation they are experiencing. Never take a customer’s anger personally or let their irritation ruin the rest of your day.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

As already mentioned, customers nowadays expect agents to resolve their issues in no time at all. If you can do that, that’s great, as it is definitely the most effective way to calm down an angry customer.

However, even the most experienced agents can get into a situation where they simply cannot find the solution to a problem. In such cases, it is better to ask for help than wasting your caller’s time.

Alternatively, as customers do not like to be put on hold, it may be a good idea to offer them a callback, so that you can research the problem and then let them know the solution.

Knowing how to handle angry customers effectively can greatly increase the quality of your company’s customer experience. Make sure you follow our tips and start making angry customers happy again.

More resources on keeping customers happy

If you’re looking to improve customer satisfaction, be sure to check out these posts as well:

What customers value most in their experience
Customer satisfaction measurement methods that are key to your business
How to build customer rapport for your telesales business

5 Ways Your Call Center Agents Can Build Customer Trust

Posted on: January 16th, 2019 by Dóra Rapcsák No Comments

In our increasingly-accelerated business environment, your competitors are probably at this very moment trying to win over your business from you.

You may think your customers will always be loyal to your products or services, but I’m afraid I have to burst your bubble: with more and more products and services being launched every day, customers these days easily change brands at the drop of a hat. That is, of course, unless you can make them stay by working on your customer trust!

And as it is your call center agents who communicate the most with your customers, it is they who are thus best positioned to build customer trust. In this article, I’ve collected a few tips on how your agents can build trust with customers. Read on and empower your team with these great tactics!

Show empathy

Agents often talk to angry customers on the phone, trying in vain to calm them down. Needless to say, it’s not possible to build trust with angry customers!

Of course, the last thing call center agents want to do is to deal with angry customers. And this is where empathy can make all the difference. Instead of adopting “we apologize for the inconvenience”-type phrases, encourage your agents to put themselves in their customers’ shoes and reassure them that they know what they are going through.

By conveying meaningful empathy, your agents will be able to build trust with customers by showing them that they actually care for them. Check out our previous article on how you canteach empathy to your agent team.

Listen actively

Call center agents often find themselves talking to customers who struggle to communicate their issues. In such cases, agents have no other choice but to rely on active listening skills, trying to figure out what customers really want to say, and what their problems really are.

Encouraging active listening quickly pays off when it comes to customer service.  It can help agents create connections, handle difficult customers and even uncover up or cross selling opportunities.

For example, using phrases such as “I understand” reassures customers that they are listening to them and paying attention to their issues. In addition, active listening skills help agents read between the lines and even offer up/cross selling opportunities based on customers’ needs.

Stay positive

There’s no question, customer service is the lifeblood of business. In fact, it is customer service agents who more than often represent brands, as they are the ones who communicate the most with customers.

So, if you want your customers to have a positive picture of your business, make sure your agents always stay positive during customer interactions, even during problematic situations.

As mentioned above, try and encourage your agents to put themselves in your customers’ shoes and react to their issues in a positive manner. In fact, a positive attitude will always help agents build trust with customers.

Of course, there are those customers who can be very hard or almost impossible to deal with, and sometimes it can be more than your agents can handle to stay in the frontline when confronted with phone rage. So, if you see one of your team getting close to having a meltdown, encourage them to take a short break to blow off steam.

Rely on knowledge

Sure, acquiring soft skills is essential in order to communicate effectively with customers. However, without proper knowledge, it won’t be enough. There’s no point in being empathetic, positive and a good listener if your agents don’t have the knowledge required to effectively solve customers’ issues.

In fact, there’s no better way to build trust in a customer than solving their problems effectively. In fact, assigning unprepared agents to answer calls does more harm than good.

Therefore, always make sure to allocate enough time for your agents to acquire the knowledge they need in order to best serve your customers.

Build rapport

We have already talked about the importance of personalized customer service in order to build customer trust. One thing is certain, the customer care industry is growing rapidly, and personalized customer service has become an important factor in this growth.

Of course, personalized customer service starts with agents building rapport. For example, agents should greet customers by their name and speak to customers with respect at all times.

Furthermore, technology such as data analytics allows you to better understand your customers’ behaviors and needs, and thus make your customer service more personalized. For example, encouraging your agents to make customers aware that they are familiar with their previous interactions and purchasing history is a great way of developing rapport, and thus building customer trust.

Ensuring customers trust your brand can literally make or break your business. Make sure you put our tips into action and make sure your agents focus on increasing customer trust!

Top Call Center KPIs to Watch and Measure

Posted on: January 15th, 2019 by Dóra Rapcsák No Comments

In many call centers a lot of activities revolve around numbers and targets, especially when it comes to improving the effectiveness of the team’s activities. What’s good to know for supervisors is that call centers can fully rely on a number of solid KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that are easy to calculate, track, and report on. Read this short guide to get a quick list of some of the most essential KPIs that call center managers typically keep an eye on.

Customer experience

Customer experience is perhaps the most important call center KPI there is, especially for inbound-focused scenarios.

Why? It’s simple: if a customer is happy with the customer service they receive from your company, chances are they will purchase again or even recommend your brand to their acquaintances.

Considering this, it’s no surprise that more and more companies are prioritizing customer experience-related metrics.

How to measure it?

The easiest way to measure customer experience is simply by asking your customers about it. For example, use customer surveys to compile customer feedback.

Call quality

Put simply, there is nothing more frustrating than when you’re trying to explain an issue to a customer service agent with a phone line that keeps dropping in and out. You can be sure that such situations will not only make your customers lose their patience but also harm your company’s reputation.

Indeed, low call quality results in inefficient communication and a negative impact on customer experience, so you better ensure that the communication channels between your customers and agents is crystal-clear at all times.

How to measure it?

There are several ways your call center can mitigate call quality issues. For example, it might be a good idea to implement end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure voice quality is high-level throughout. Furthermore, make sure to systematically check latency, as this is often what causes delays.

First call resolution

We have already talked about first call resolution in a different article, and for good reason: it is an absolutely essential KPI to watch out for in call centers.

First call resolution shows whether or not a customer’s need is properly addressed by the customer service team during the first contact. FCR is the main indicator of customer satisfaction, so make sure you think of it as a key priority.

How to measure it?

Any issues that require a callback or are escalated during the first contact do not count as a first call resolution.  Luckily there are quite a number of ways to increase first call resolution, including systematic training, increasing agent knowledge bases and reliable call center software solutions.

Cost per call

In the call center business, money talks. Running a call center is extremely costly, so it’s no surprise that reducing costs in a way that doesn’t affect customer experience is always on a call center manager’s mind.

Cost per call is another essential call center KPI that allows call centers to calculate the total cost involved in handling calls during a specific period of time. As well as being an essential KPI, keeping cost per call low is a major priority for any call center manager.

How to measure it?

Now that you know that cost per call is an important call center KPI it’s time to check out our previous article and find out how you too can calculate (and reduce) your cost per call. Also be sure to check the list of outbound call KPIs to pay attention to.

So, there you have it: customer experience, call quality, first call resolution, cost per call and service level. By focusing on these call center KPIs, your call center will be able to keep track of some of the most important things that contribute to the successful operation of a call center.

A Day in the Life of VCC Live’s Support Team

Posted on: January 10th, 2019 by András Czúth No Comments

So you’re thinking of joining VCC Live’s support team but you’re not quite sure if it’s the right move for you? To help you out, this article aims to give you an idea of what it’s like to work as part of the support team at an innovative tech company providing cloud-based contact center solutions worldwide.

Read on and get a peek into the average day in the life of VCC Live’s support team!

Responsibilities and skills

In a nutshell, we spend most of our time helping out our clients with questions and issues connected with our software solution. Sounds easy, right? However, there’s definitely more to this job than meets the eye.

VCC Live provides a complex software solution that comes with a wide range of features suitable for all types of companies, from small SMEs to large enterprises. As a result, in order to best serve our 400+ customers located around the world, our customer service representatives need to have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of cloud-based technology, the call center industry in general, and our product in particular.

As our team supports call centers on a daily basis, it is essential for them to be able to see the causal relationships between issues, and rely on their self-sufficiency and creativity to come up with unique solutions. And as our aim is to help call centers work seamlessly from top to bottom, supervisors, as well as agents, are also very welcome in our team.

The support team’s main responsibilities can be divided into three areas: troubleshooting, testing and consultancy services.


Our team provides multichannel customer service via phone, email and chat. Troubleshooting activities focus on solving customer issues, from handling simple queries to dealing with complex difficulties that require cooperation with the technology department. As our company also provides telco services, we deal with telco-related issues as well as software-related issues. These days it is common for telco operators to provide 24/7 customer service around the world. And in order to meet the ever-increasing customer needs, our team offers the possibility of continuous support even 24 hours a day.


Based on our customer-centric approach and agile development methods, we constantly develop our solution based on unique business needs. Therefore, another important task for our team is to support the development team by testing new features before they are released, and providing invaluable feedback on pain points.

Providing consultancy

Our software comes with a wide range of features, and the support team is expected to know every one of them like the back of their hand. Due to the solid experience we’ve acquired over the years working with a wide range of customers in various fields, we now have an in-depth overview of how customer service teams globally operate, therefore we can often come up with solutions our clients would have never thought of. As such, in cooperation with our key account management team, we are able to provide our clients with consultancy services. Furthermore, as we try to help call centers work to their maximum effectiveness, as well as understanding what call center agents do on a daily basis, the support team also needs to think at a supervisor managerial level. Of course, mastering such a complex software solution requires significant time and training, as we here at VCC Live know very well.

Training and induction periods

As a global leader in providing call center services, we know that excellent customer experience makes all the difference. As such, our company puts great emphasis on new support team members induction and training periods, ensuring they are given enough time to fully understand our product.

In fact, our induction period lasts for 3 months, allowing new staff to master our product step by step: after all, great customer service starts with thorough product knowledge.

During the induction period, our continuous training opportunities help our colleagues build the confidence to deal effectively with customers. As such, we often sit together and review interesting resolved issues that new members can learn from.

Furthermore, we provide new team players with a ‘safety net’, encouraging them to ask for help and advice from team leaders when required.

Long-term opportunities

We constantly aim to create a workplace where our employees are encouraged to plan for the long term. In fact, career paths have always been of the utmost importance at VCC Live.

We usually say that VCC Live’s support team is the company’s ‘incubator’, as those who have the ambitions are always given the opportunity to improve and later move up to the sales, key account management or even development teams.

As such, we put great emphasis on offering internal job promotion opportunities when our team members reach their maximum potential in the support team and are ready to move up the career ladder.

For example, in 2018 several members of the VCC Live support team became key account managers at the company, while another team member is soon scheduled to begin as a quality assurance specialist in the technology department.  

We’re constantly on the lookout for new talent to join our team. If you’re interested, check out the open positions on our career page!

Screen Sharing For Customer Service – What You Need To Know

Posted on: January 9th, 2019 by Dóra Rapcsák No Comments

Visual engagement takes customer service to the next level. Luckily, thanks to ever-evolving technology solutions, more and more visual engagement platforms are appearing on the market, allowing businesses to level up their customer interactions with ease.

We’ve already talked about video for customer service and co-browsing in previous articles, so this time we’ll discuss the benefits of screen sharing for customer service departments. Read on, and you’ll soon realize it is something you need to put on your customer service list for this year!

Real-time problem solving

One thing is certain, speed has become vital to customers. They value their time, and expect you to resolve their issues as soon as possible, without any hassle.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of screen sharing is that it allows businesses to provide real-time support. By using screen sharing your agents, for example, will be able to guide your customers through an issue step by step, while also providing them with visual aid at the same time.

As a result, your first call resolution rate will improve significantly, while arranging call backs will become increasingly unnecessary. This, of course, will not only ease up your phone lines but also increase your overall customer satisfaction.

Improved customer engagement

Most people are visual learners, and understand you better when they can not only hear what you say but can also see your instructions.

By using visual engagement solutions such as screen sharing, businesses can add visualization to their customer service, thus helping agents and customers understand each other better, and so improve customer support.

In particular, by using screen sharing, users can access and see a customer’s entire screen, and can also control and make changes on the customer’s screen as well.

With customer attention span getting shorter and shorter, what better way to keep them engaged than by using a visual aid?


Just think about having to explain a software setup to a customer who is struggling to keep up with your agent: it’s not convenient for your agent, or your customer. But with screen sharing, you can easily turn potentially unsatisfied customers into satisfied customers.

Screen sharing is an ideal solution for when your team needs to deal with complex technical issues. In such situations, phone calls are often long and complicated, with agents trying their best to identify specific problems and communicate the solution in a way that is understandable to customers.

In contrast, with screen sharing, your agents will be able to simply share their monitor with customers and show them how to solve the problem step by step. No more need for agents to send a bunch of screenshots to explain an issue!

Ideal for remote agents

Utilizing remote agents can be highly beneficial for customer service departments in terms of productivity, operations, and cost-effectiveness. With remote agents, businesses can employ highly-skilled multilingual agents anywhere in the world, without being limited by geographic factors. It’s no surprise then that more and more companies have started to leverage this beneficial workforce model.

However, making use of employees based around the world can be problematic in terms of team meetings and training sessions. Indeed, for a remote worker, weekly meetings can easily turn into a nightmare if they can’t see or hear anything.

Fortunately, screen sharing allows everyone in a meeting, whether on- or off-site, to see what’s going on. You can easily share your screen with remote agents and they in turn can also share their screens with you. As a result, no one feels left out of a conversation.

It is also possible to share a view with many users, which is a great solution when, for example, you need to share a presentation among a group of remote agents. Similarly, you can use the same technique to provide a group of remote agents with training resources.

Screen sharing is easy-to-use, convenient and quick. Amongst other things, it allows your business to solve problems in real-time, increase customer engagement, and utilize remote agents without much less hassle. So maybe it’s time for your business to give it a try?

Case Study: Managing Customer Data 100% Securely

Posted on: January 4th, 2019 by Dóra Rapcsák No Comments

When it comes to making an online purchase, customers expect speed and convenience. Therefore, leveraging real-time payment is definitely the next big thing in customer service. Keeping customer data 100% safe, however, is a major concern for most businesses embarking on this journey.

You may not think so but customer motivation is at its highest during a conversation, dropping immediately after the end of a call. The greatest chance for successful conversion is thus during a conversation. And this is where VCC Live®’s real-time payment feature comes into action: thanks to VCC Pay, it is now possible for agents to initiate bank card payments during a single phone call.

The Case

Cloudagents, a global leader in providing multilingual call center services solely relying on remote agents, was trusted with the delivery of a customer service, telesales and technical support project in more than 80 countries. As the project required strict data security, the company decided to turn to VCC Live®.

Our latest case study describes how Cloudagents managed to carry out a 400 billion dollar project with the help of VCC Live®. In this case study you will learn:

  • how we helped Cloudagents make the most of their home-based workforce model
  • how we allowed them to initiate payments during a phone call in more than 80 countries
  • how VCC Pay enables them to initiate payments while ensuring their agents handle customer data in a 100% secure way

Introducing VCC Pay has made all the difference for Cloudagents, making their payment process quick and easy while guaranteeing data security at all times.

Read our case study and learn more about the benefits of VCC Live Pay!