The Benefits of Working for a Medium-Sized Tech Company

May 13, 2020

Searching for the perfect job can be a challenging task and a numbers game. You need to get familiar with a number of employers and broaden your network before you make a commitment.

While a lot of job seekers focus their initial efforts on large companies, this trend does not seem to be the same when it comes to tech professionals. According to a large-scale survey conducted by, although medium-sized tech companies hire the least number of workers, positions offered by them seem to be the most contested in the tech field. Medium-sized tech companies are preferred by 44% of tech workers, as opposed to large companies (28%) and small companies (22%).

Why do such an overwhelming majority of tech professionals prefer working at a medium-sized tech company? Here are the top perks to consider.

Work-Life Balance

Medium-sized tech companies have more flexibility when it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. An increasing number of companies are realizing that guaranteeing the wellbeing of their employees simply improves their company’s business aims, by making its workers more productive, enthusiastic, and innovative.

This is especially true in medium-sized tech companies. Having leverage to make flexible HR decisions and creating space to listen to their individual workers’ needs is easier to do in a company with less bureaucratic structure than a large corporation.

Additionally, achieving a healthy work structure is easier to do at a medium-sized tech company as opposed to small startups. In medium-sized tech companies, where business practices are in place and established, the continuity of the company does not rely on the work of a single employee.

A Flexible Schedule

In addition to providing a healthy work-life balance, medium-sized tech companies allow alternatives to 9-5 work structures, such as flextime, remote work, and job sharing. Most large company structures don’t allow this, while small companies often have the opposite effect. Work in small startups can be often chaotic and overwhelming, as the company relies on all of its workers, and is still in the process of establishing solid business processes. survey found that both women and men in the tech industry choose to work at medium-sized companies expecting a healthy work-life balance and flexibility.


Perhaps one of the more important things to consider when making your decision is the issue of stability, especially in recent, uncertain economic times.

Medium-sized tech companies have a tendency to carve out a niche for themselves within their specific industry and usually become reliable, stable players in that field. When thinking about long term job security, this is a better bet, than a potentially unstable startup still flexing its wings in the industry.

Additionally, large companies can often face mature market stagnation and in times of economic downturn, regulatory restraints. Without continuous development, companies have to cut costs, and in the case of large corporations, this usually starts with large scale layoffs. 

Experience and Development

It is also worth considering what a company can do for you in terms of career development. Working at large corporations can often restrict you in many aspects of your development.

Often, specific abilities gained while working at large corporations can only be used in similar companies in the same sector. This can be a problem when companies of a specific sector are facing layoffs. Large companies of the same industry often have similar patterns. If IBM is having hiring issues, so will Cisco.

In contrast, a medium company allows you to develop your skills and expertise in a variety of fields relating to your industry. This enables you to gain experience and insight beyond your role, enhancing your resume and skill set. 


Another element to consider is the question of whether your work can have a measurable impact. Given that work at medium-sized tech companies is less specialized, employees can actually contribute to innovation and business development with their own ideas and initiatives. Wearing several hats enables you to engage with multiple facets of the company operations and have deeper insight. Additionally, it is easier to interact with leaders and decision-makers. Due to visibility, it might also be easier to advance your career in such an environment.

A Community

Having direct insight into the company and being able to get involved with its decision-makers and various levels of staff also translates at a personal level. It is common for medium-sized tech company staff to form deep bonds and friendships. Additionally, in such a work environment, with like-minded industry professionals, you have an endless opportunity for further collaboration.

Bottom line? The increasing trend of medium-sized tech companies among IT professionals lays in solid foundations. It helps establish a healthy work-life balance and enables the option for a flexible schedule to fit your lifestyle. It makes you visible and creates job security along with opportunities for career and skills development. Additionally, it can help you develop a community of like-minded professionals with whom you can share ideas and collaborate with.

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