June 2023
OAuth 2.0 for E-mails
From now on, you are able to connect an e-mail account with OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. Simply select OAuth as an authentication method when creating a new e-mail account. Any OAuth provider can be used for authentication, except for MS Azure for now.
Read more about connecting e-mail accounts to VCC Live here.
E-mail notification when the database becomes empty
When the database becomes empty in your Predictive, Power or OIVR dialing project, you are now able to set up e-mail notifications on the Limits tab of the Project. This notification doesn’t require the Real-time monitoring to be open for you anymore. The notification requires at least one agent to be logged in and you can parameterize the following:
- In which period to send a new e-mail again
- What is the threshold of new and other callable records when e-mails shall be sent
Read more about this here.
Other updates:
- In a Project’s Voice settings, users are now able to set up a ringing timeout for custom calls as well
- In a Project’s Database view, users are now able to activate or deactivate records belonging to an import file, when filtering for one
- The Database view in a Project has been upgraded so it now includes an option for automatic refresh and scrolling for individual views has been removed
- We have fixed an issue in the VCC Live for Salesforce when in some cases call data was not forwarded to Salesforce and an error message was displayed
- An issue has been fixed when in certain cases in an OIVR project shared callbacks have been only called back the next day.