How to Maintain Remote Security in Your Contact Center

November 13, 2020

Data security in contact centers is the number one concern for both business owners and supervisors. A single data breach can break your long-built business reputation. Due to the ongoing wave of governmental mobility restrictions, almost all businesses had to switch to remote work, further increasing concern among business owners and managers when thinking about how to maintain remote security.

With mobility restrictions likely changing the way that we think about work in the future, it is important for newly remote contact centers to establish sustainable data security practices in their operations.

VPN and the Cloud

Cloud-based contact center software offers the network infrastructure necessary to run your remote operations. However, some providers do not address network access security issues and the responsibility of maintaining security often falls on the client. Set up secure network access in your operations by making sure that you have a VPN connection. VPN ensures that all your transmitted data is fully encrypted and that your data is only accessed by authorized connections. With the help of a VPN connection, your operations can remain safe, even in case one of your agents decides to use public or unsecured wifi connections.

Luckily, VCC Live provides its cloud-based contact center software along with a secure VPN connection. Additionally, we store data in five various Global Data Centers with a 24/7 Security and Data team.

Two-factor authentication

Another fundamental step in remote security is establishing two-factor authentication. With two-factor authentication, logging in requires both your password and an additional verification code you generate using an authenticator app on your smartphone. This can protect the company from unauthorized access or call center data breaches. The VCC Live application provides this feature with the help of an authenticator app on agents’ devices.

Device Management

Whether agents use their personal devices or a company-provided one, make sure that a separate work account is set up for them. This will provide your employees with a clean browser that does not involve any personal information. Additionally, make sure that all the work tools used by your employees are strictly linked to a company account that requires two-factor authentication and company user credentials. FiFinally, make sure that all user devices are password protected, use a password strength test to check their robustness, and ensure that computers, phones and other tools automatically lock themselves when not in use after a certain amount of time.

Access Control

When establishing remote security, you need to review your internal roles and responsibilities. This means that you need to assign roles with the appropriate set of rights to your employees in order to keep your call center data safe. If you are worried about managerial oversight, make sure to rely on technologies that have multiple options when it comes to data access. For example, you may want to restrict remote agents’ access to certain data or features, compared to the access offered when working on-premise. VCC Live’s software allows you to do this as an administrator, by just unmarking access points in question.

Finding a Secure Provider

When thinking about remote security, a final, fundamental step is making sure that the providers you choose have the right security background. Make sure to choose a provider that is 100% GDPR and data security compliant. This way, you don’t have to worry about crippling fines and a potential loss of your carefully built brand reputation in case of accidentally mishandled data.

VCC Live is a proud holder of the ISO27001 certificate that ensures maximum levels of information and data security within an organization and in its processes, complying with GDPR requirements. We also hold the ISO22301 certificate that guarantees sustainable business management practices. This helps VCC Live adhere to the highest of measures when assessing internal and external risks, and is essential when preparing for remote security.

Data security is an absolute must for any business and especially for contact centers remotely handling the data of hundreds of customers a day. While establishing remote security might seem like a headache, following fundamental data security guidelines should make this a simple task. With a secure VPN connection, two- factor authentication, proper device management, and access control, your data security processes should be in place. Finally, make sure to choose the right provider, with the proper data security credentials. Following these steps, you can make sure to provide the highest standard of remote security in your operations!

Need a remote contact center solution?

VCC Live’s virtual contact center software gives your agents the tools to perform, keeps things productive and secure, and enables you to develop your workforce – all with nothing more than a laptop.

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