Feature Release: Single Sign-On Is Now Available on VCC Live® Desk

April 17, 2019

Not so long ago, we received a customer request from a major client of ours who wanted to be able to easily login to VCC Live® Desk.

So now they can! As you know, developing our solution to fit customer needs is one of the main business principles in our company.  

As such, we’re delighted to announce that single sign-on (SSO) is now available on VCC Live® Desk.  

Single sign-on (SSO) is a centralized user authentication service in which one set of login credentials can be used to access multiple applications.

Its beauty is in its simplicity: from now on, once your operators logged into to their computer, they can access VCC Live® Desk by simply hitting a button, without having to type their username and password each time. The feature also supports accounts with several users, therefore supervisors too can greatly benefit from SSO.

Here at VCC Live®, we all know the importance of integrations. Therefore, our SSO feature is compatible with Windows AD, Office 365, even using Microsoft Azure.

Single sign-on brings quite a few benefits to businesses: it provides an extra level of security, better user experience as well as increased productivity.

As we all know, weak passwords are a major threat to any organization, not to mention the financial consequences a possible cyber attack can cause. With SSO, however, you can minimize the risk of lost, forgotten or weak passwords.

And since users get one-click access to needed systems after logging in once, with SSO your operators can spend more time working, increasing their overall productivity.

Last but not least, implementing simple login processes will definitely improve user experience. Call center agents use a number of systems on a daily basis, and I’m sure they will appreciate if you make their job easier by giving them access to the systems they use with a single click.

You can read more about our SSO feature here. Please note that the single sign-on feature can be activated in VCC Live® Desk upon request.

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