Call center turnover is a constant challenge for call centers. At the same time, finding new agents is becoming increasingly difficult due to the advanced language skills, long working hours and high levels of flexibility call centers expect of agents.
So, here’s the ultimate guide on how to build employee loyalty in the call center!
Try Call Center Gamification
Due to the high demands call centers set, their employees often quickly lose motivation, leaving the industry to explore less stressful career opportunities.
Therefore, for any call center striving to keep their agents loyal, it’s essential to create a less stressful and more fun work environment.
Leveraging call center gamification is a great way to help create a collaborative atmosphere and better work culture. Adding some games into every day work will create a sense of community and increase engagement, encouraging agents to build long-term loyalty towards your business.
Offer Them Career Opportunities
Who said you cannot build a career in the call center? Still, most people (including agents) think it’s not possible to move up the career ladder in a call center.
The truth is, however, that there are a wide variety of career opportunities in call centers. Responsibilities vary greatly, depending on the nature of the company, agents’ experience and personality, so don’t leave agents stuck in their position once they’ve outgrown it.
Offering continuous training opportunities will encourage agents to plan for the long term. When it comes to training call center agents, there are a number of best practices. Reviewing recorded calls together with your agents, for example, will allow you to provide them with a crystal-clear example of what is and what is not appropriate during a customer call.
Also, when training your agents, set your creativity free. You can, for example, create a common knowledge base, and encourage your agents to contribute to it with their own knowledge.
Recognize Them through Rewards
The biggest challenge for agents working in a large team in a call center environment is to stand out from the crowd, and for their work to be acknowledged by management. It’s no surprise then, that call center agents often feel they are nothing more than just another cog in the call center wheel.
As such, if you want to increase employee loyalty your call center, make sure you create a workplace environment in which they feel they are valued by the company. Recognizing your agents through rewards is a great step in creating this kind of workplace environment.
There are a number of ways you can do this. For example, you can create a coupon book and give out coupons for 15 minutes of time off or a remote working day. Whatever you do, always make sure to award prizes that make the winners feel special. You can be sure your agents will, in return, stay loyal to your call center.
Employees stay loyal to businesses that treat them well. Make sure you follow our tips to help keep employee loyalty high in your call center!